Why vSite and vGIS AR?

Displaying the current and proposed models as 3D objects in AR gives you a better understanding of your surroundings, increases productivity, helps validate accuracy, reduces errors, and provides a safer work environment.

Composite view of job site with and without BIM overlays helps validate percent completion. Issue reporting and live video chat capabilities improves collaboration and simplifies information flow between teams.

vGIS accepts traditional BIM and GIS files (IFC, DWG, DXF, and many others) or pulls data dynamically from Autodesk Build (BIM 360), Bentley iTwin, Esri ArcGIS, and other repositories to create accurate Augmented Reality (AR) views of surrounding infrastructure on the project site.

When combined with common platforms like Autodesk Build and Esri ArcGIS, vGIS automatically incorporates all changes in the AR view as your data changes at the source.