High school team improves community services with GIS and AR
Feb 12, 2019   |  Views : 2901

An inspiring story about a group of highly motivated and innovative students from Buffalo Island Central EAST (BIC) high school from Monette, AR.

BIC students won a Founder’s Award and a Microsoft HoloLens with it. They needed a new challenge and decided to map 50,000ft of the underground utility lines in Monette. Then, using the vGIS software provided by our team free of charge to support their efforts, the students rolled out Esri GIS-powered Augmented Reality system to the town’s field services department, improving quality of services for their community.

Now, the students are off to their next task: mapping the underground lines for the Town of Leachville, AR.

In the process, the team made it to the finals in the EAST Project Competition with their “Underground Utilities Infrastructure Project” – https://www.eastconference.org/whatsnew/finalists.

We are proud of the work we’ve done with the BIC team for this project. It is inspiring to witness such a motivated group of young minds establishing and achieving goals, winning competitions in the process. vGIS Team wishes them best of luck in the EAST Project Competition.

“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” – Winston Churchill

vGIS Team
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